Jesus Followers

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gospel of Matthew

A verse by verse study of the Gospel of Matthew.

Matthew Intro,Chapter 1-3 (audio)  Text Intertestamental period, Apocrypha, The Antiquities of Judah, Yahshua’s Genealogy, Birth, & Baptism, Angels, Satan, Parthians, Judea, Herod, Zadok, Pharisees, Melchizdec, Repent

Matthew Chapter 4-6 (audio)  text  Yahshua’s Temptation & Ministry, the Law, Devil, Church, Salt,  Good Works, Angry, Divorce, Yahweh’s Name

Matthew Chapter 7-9 (audio)  text  Judging Others, Converting Non-Whites, Golden Rule, Fulfill the Law, Yahshua, Fruits, False Prophets, Romans, Works, Israelites, Centurion, Wild Olive Tree, Zarah-Judah, Irish, Iberians, Son of Man, Demons, Fasting

Matthew Chapter 10-12:31(audio)  text Apostles, Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel (missionary work), healing, rapture, kingdom, church

Matthew Chapter 12:32-13:35 (audio)  text The Unforgivable Sin, Race Mixing, Universalism, Blasphemy, Words, Accusing the Holy Spirit of being an unclean spirt, Parable of the Sower, Parables, The Wheat & the Tares, Mustard Seed, Kingdom, Personal Salvation, Earth Ages, Son of Man (Adam, the good seed)

Matthew Chapter13:36 (audio) text Shills R Us,    The Unforgiveable Sin against the Holy Spirit, Parable of the Weeds Explained, Genesis 3:15, Seed line, Kingdom, the Law, Pharisees

Matthew Chapter 14(audio)  text Death of John the Baptist, Herod, Tradition of the Elders, Talmud,   Canaanite Women, Lost tribes, Israel, Healing, Leaven of the Pharisees, Kingdom

Matthew Chapter 17(audio)   text  Yahweh & Yahshua are not the same person (unity & oneness), Trinity, Spirit of Elijah, John the Baptist, Healing, Prayer & Fasting, Taxes

Matthew Chapter 18-21:22(audio)   text  Taxes, Kingdom, forgiveness, debt, healing, fornication, wealth, Son of Man (descendant of Adam), David, Temple Money Changers

Matthew Chapter21:23 (audio)  text  Kingdom, Resurrection, Pharisees, Father, Pope, Seven Woes, Cain killed Abel, Yahshua Prophecy, Christ, Abomination of Desolation, False Prophets, Gathering the Elect, In the Days of Noah (Rapture)

Matthew Chapter 25(audio)  text  Pastor Eli’s YouTube channel, Kingdom, Bride Groom Yahshua, Preparation, Sheep & Goats, Feast Day, Son of Man (Adam), Feast, Passover

Matthew Chapter26:26 (audio)  text  the Last Supper, Peter’s Denial,  Jesus Arrested, Peter Denies Jesus, Jesus before Pilate, The Crucifixion & Death of Jesus, God head, Tomb

Matthew Chapter 28(audio)  text  Jesus’ Resurrection,  Angels, Gaels, Irish, Spanish, Parthians, Ethiopia, Baptism