Pastor Eli and Pastor Steve review the Book of Esther Septuagint
version and explain that it is not a Jewish book. Eli tells us that when you understand ‘who is
who’ the Book of Esther is a beautiful book.
They explain who the following people are: Esther, Jew, Kenite, Judahites, Judeans, Edomites,
Idumea, Mordecai, Haman and the Amalekites. They also explain that the word ‘Yahweh’ has
been removed from the Book of Ester but still exists in the Septuagint version.
The feast day of Purim was started in the book of Esther and
was held on the 12th Hebrew month (Adar) on the 14th and
15th. Today, according the solar calendar, this feast day should be celebrated on March 2nd and 3rd
(approx. days depends on the spring equinox) by true Israel.
One 2 One shows by Pastor Eli
and Pastor Steve:
Text reviewed during the show:
Shows are also archived on youtube:
Appreciative post! Really wanna see such more updates october2016printablecalendartemplates