Jesus Followers

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Gospel of John

A verse by verse study of the Gospel of John.


John Chapters1:18-4:42 (audio)  Bible text  Testimony of John the Baptist, Baptism, Jesus Calls the First Disciples, Water to Wine, Jesus Cleanses the Temple, Passover Feast at Jerusalem, Born from Above (not Born Again), For God So Loved the World, John the Baptist Exalts Christ, Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

John Chapters4:43-6 (audio)  Bible text  Healing, Jesus Is Equal with God, The Authority of the Son, Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand, Jesus Walks on Water, I Am the Bread of Life, The Words of Eternal Life

John Chapters7-8:11 (audio)  Bible text  Jesus at the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles), Arrest Jesus, Living Waters

John Chapters8:12-10 (audio)  Bible Text  About Stoning the Woman & Writing in the Sand, Yahshua is the light of the World, Truth will set you Free, Jews their Father is the Devil, Yahshua “I AM”, Healing, The Good Sheppard, Father & Yahshua are One,

John Chapters11-15 (audio)  Bible Text Death of Lazarus, I Am the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus Raises Lazarus, The Plot to Kill Jesus, Passover, Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany, The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up, Jesus Came to Save the World, Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet, Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial, I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit, I Am the True Vine, The Hatred of the World

John Chapters 16-20 (audio)  Bible Text The Work of the Holy Spirit, Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus, Peter Denies Jesus, The High Priest Questions Jesus, Peter Denies Jesus Again, Jesus Delivered to Be Crucified, The Crucifixion, The Death of Jesus, Jesus Is Buried, The Resurrection, Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene, Jesus Appears to the Disciples

John Chapters 21(audio)  Bible Text  Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples, Jesus & Peter

Audios from Yahweh’s Covenant People – Pastor Eli and Bill:

Audios from Christogenos – Pastor Eli and Bill:

Christ was Not a Jew by Martin

Pastor Eli reviews Willie Martin’s document titled ‘Christ was not a Jew’.

Yahweh’s Covenant People shows by Pastor Eli James:

Text reviewed during the show:

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Cross of Lorraine & Cain

Genesis Chapter 4 tells us that Yahweh put a mark on Cain so that others would not attack him:

Gen 4:12 You shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.” Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, you have driven me today away from the ground, and from your face I shall be hidden. I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.” Then the Lord said to him, “Not so! If anyone kills Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.” And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who found him should attack him. Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden.

So what was this mark?  It had to be a mark that was visible at all time to others.  Some think it was the hook nose and some think it was his darker skin color.  Based on Eve's statement in Genesis 4:1 she was surprised of Cain's appearance since she says '"I have gotten a man with Yahweh's help.".  She did not credit Adam with the birth of Cain and the bible never states that Adam is Cain's son.

Some people believe that the mark of Cain is the Cross of Lorraine.  The Cross of Lorraine is a double Tau.  Since there was something different about Cain's appearance already, this mark would make sense.

Video about the mark of Cain and the Cross of Lorraine.

These companies display the Cross of Lorraine:

For an interesting article about the cross or single Tau, click here.

There are lots of articles and information about this Cross of Lorraine on the Internet.  Therefore, you can do searches and additional research on this if interested.  This was just meant to be a short article so that you are aware of the Cross of Lorraine.

Gospel of Luke

A verse by verse study of the Gospel of Luke.


Luke Intro & Chapters 1-3 (audio)  Bible text  Herod, Birth of John the Baptist, Zechariah, Course of Abijah, Birth of Yahshua (Jesus), Mary visits Elizabeth, Shepherds and the Angels, Temple, Nazareth, Genealogy of Yahshua, Gentiles & Goy

Luke Chapters 4-5 (audio) Bible text  Temptation of Jesus, Yahshua (Jesus) begins his Ministry, Nazareth, Yahshua Heals, Yahshua Preaches, Yahshua Calls the First Disciples, Fasting

Luke Chapters 6-8 (audio) Bible text  Sabbath, The Twelve Apostles, The Beatitudes, Yahshua’s Woes, Judging, A Tree and Its Fruit, Healing, John the Baptist, Parables

Luke Chapters 9-12:40 (audio) Bible text Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles , Feeds Five Thousand, Yahshua Again Foretells His Death, Healing, Fasting, Sacrifice to Idols, Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus, Woe to Unrepentant Cities, Parable of the Good Samaritan, The Lord’s Father’s Yahweh’s Prayer, Beelzebul & Demons, Woes to the Pharisees and Lawyers, Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees, Blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, Unforgivable Sin

Luke Chapters 12:41-16 (audio) Bible text You Must Be Ready, Interpreting the Time, Repent or Perish, Parable of the Barren Fig Tree, Mustard Seed and the Leaven, Lament over Jerusalem, Parable of the Wedding Feast, Salt, Parables, Law and the Kingdom of God

Luke Chapters 17-17:27 (audio) Bible text Temptations to Sin, Increase Our Faith, Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers

Luke Chapters 17:28-21 (audio) Bible text  The Coming of the Kingdom, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Jesus Foretells His Death a Third Time, Healing, Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem, Jesus Cleanses the Temple, The Authority of Jesus Challenged, Paying Taxes to Caesar, Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection, Beware of the Scribes, Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple, Wars and Persecution, Destruction of Jerusalem, The Coming of the Son of Man

Luke Chapters 22-23 (audio) Bible text Plot to Kill Jesus, Judas to Betray Jesus, Passover with the Disciples, Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial, Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus, Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus, Peter Denies Jesus, Jesus Before the Council, Jesus Before Pilate, Jesus Before Herod, The Crucifixion & Death of Yahshua

Luke Chapters 24(audio) Bible text  The Resurrection, Jesus Appears to His Disciples, The Ascension

Also Pentecost based on the Gospel of Luke:

America’s New Government Church

Pastor Eli reviews the Noahide laws that were passed in congress in 1991.

Yahweh’s Covenant People show by Pastor Eli James:

Text reviewed during the show:

Actual Bill Passed by Congress in 1991:

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jesus was Not a Jew by Finlay

Pastor Eli reviews W. G. Finlay’s document titled ‘Jesus was not a Jew’.

Yahweh’s Covenant People shows by Pastor Eli James:

Text reviewed during the show:

Could Jesus be a Jew? By Udvary

In this show Pastor Eli review s Pastor George Udvary’s track regarding Jesus (Yahshua) not being a Jew.

Yahweh’s Covenant People show by Pastor Eli James:

The Forgotten Parthian Israelite Empire

The Parthian Empire was an Israelite Empire and was located in approximately where Iran is located today.  The Magi were of Parthian origin.  These shows are about this forgotten Parthian Empire.

Yahweh’s Covenant People shows by Pastor Eli James:

Text reviewed during the show:

Text reviewed during the show:

Text reviewed during the show:

The Parthians part 4 is missing from the archives

Text reviewed during the show:

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Revelation 12, The Prophetic Mazzaroth (Zodiac) & Yahshua's Return

The Mazzaroth, now called the Zodiac, is history and prophecy in the stars.  The show below explains how the Mazzaroth reflects our history and the prophecy of Yahshua's (Jesus') return.  Revelation 12 regarding the women clothed in the sun is explained.   The show also discusses the events that took place in the stars when Yahshua was born and the events that are going on in the stars starting in 2015 to 2018.

The One 2 One Show with Pastor Eli and Charlotte:

The Mazzaroth & Yahshua's Return (audio)

Also on youtube with added relevant pictures:

Here are the links reviewed in the show:

The Great Year & the Mazzaroth
To see a larger picture, click here.