Jesus Followers

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Gospel of Mark

A verse by verse study of the Gospel of Mark.


Mark Intro – Chapter 5 (audio)  text Son of Man is Son of Adam, John the Baptist, Yahshua’s Baptism, Healing, Disciples, Demons & Spirits, Twelve Apostles

Mark Chapter 6  (audio)     text  Yahshua at Nazareth, Death of John the Baptist, Yahshua walks on water, Healings, Traditions & Commandments, Pharisees Demand a Sign, Leaven of the Pharisees, Yahshua about his Death & Resurrection, Demons

Mark Chapter 9  (audio)     text Yahshua’s Transfiguration, Demons, Healing, Temptations to Sin, Divorce, Yahshua tells of his Death, Hell, Cro-Magnon Race & the  Adamic Race

Mark Chapter 11  (audio)    text  Slavery, Mark 9 the worm does not die, Hell, Fig Tree, Forgiveness, Yahshua cleanses the temple, Divorce, Paying Taxes, Greatest Commandment, Scribes, Widow’s Offering

Mark Chapter 13  (audio)     text Destruction of the Temple, Martyrs, Signs of the Close of the Age, The Abomination of Desolation, Coming of the Son of Man, Fig Tree, No One Knows That Day or Hour, Plot to Kill Yahshua, Yahshua Anointed, Judas, Passover, Last Supper, Peter, Arrest of Yahshua, Pilate, The Crucifixion Death, Burial & Resurrection  

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Book of Revelation

A verse by verse study of the Book of Revelation.


Revelations Intro & Chapter 1 (audio)  text:  Prophetic Congregation ‘Church’ Ages, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea

Revelations 3:14 (audio)   text  Church of Laodicea, Throne in Heaven (see below), 7 Seals

Revelations 6:9(audio)  text 7 Seals continued, 144,000 Sealed, Great Multitude before the Lamb (Yahshua), 7 Trumpets

Revelations 10(audio)  text The Little Book (Scroll), The Two Witnesses, Woes

Revelations 11:15(audio) text Third Woe, The Woman & the Dragon, Founding of America as the New Jerusalem, Flood of People, Trumpets, Beasts

Revelations 14(audio)    text  The Lamb & the 144,000, Messages of the 3 Angels, Harvest of the Earth, Seven Angles, Seven Bowls of Wrath, Great Prostitute and the Beast, Fall of Babylon, Fractional Reserve Banking

To see a larger picture, click here.

Revelations 19 (audio)  text Rejoicing in Heaven, Marriage Super of the Lamb, Wedding Feast

Revelations 21:18(audio)  text  DNA, New Heaven and the New Earth, New Jerusalem, River of 
Life, Yahshua (Jesus) is Coming, Ezekiel 39-40

Also see:

I made this chart based on my understanding.  To see a larger copy, clickon this link.

Friday, January 8, 2016

The Pagan Origins of Christmas

The audios below are from the shows Yahweh's Covenant People - Pastor Eli:

Sites reviewed during the show:

Sites reviewed during the show:
Shocking Origins of Christmas

The Incredibly Accurate Dr. Luke
Herod’s Death & what the Magi saw

Also see:
1836 Vermont Newspaper Article about Christmas; they basically state that Christians should not celebrate Christmas

According to a report, created for the US Congress, it was bankers and business men that wanted the Christmas holiday – not Christians:

The act of June 28, 1870, which was apparently prompted by a memorial drafted by local “bankers and business men,” provided that New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day, and “any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States as a day of public fasting or thanksgiving[were] to be holidays within the District.” This legislation was drafted “to correspond with similar laws of States around the District,”3 and “in every State of the Union.”

I have placed a copy of this report here, see page one.