Jesus Followers

John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Yahweh's Spring & Fall Feast Days

This provides links about Yahweh's Feast Days that are documented in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Blessed are those who keep Yahweh's feast days.


Audios about Yahweh’s Feast Days

Feast Days Documentation:


  1. We all need to be watching these 3 - passover, Pentecost, feasts of Tabernacles

  2. Shalom sir,
    I am searching for a good servant of Yahweh in these last days because I am willing to share the Word of Yahweh just as Apostles - Gal. 2:1-10; Acts 15:1-29 as Yahweh revealed to me some mysteries. Both the Jews and gentiles should follow only one doctrine (Judea 3; Eph. 2:20).
    For complete picture of New Moons (Beginning time of each Lunar Month), Extra Months, Luni Solar New Years, Sabbaticals, Jubilees, Years of Tithe, the dates of all Scriptural events, 63 Missing years, and so on (Genesis 1:13-19; Lev. 25:8-9) please visit wwwyahwehcalendarcom
    I am eagerly waiting for your precious reply.

    1. I'm mj Emmanuel from Nigeria,a teacher of the word of Christ.please I would want you to share with me the mystery the lord revealed to you concerning this feast...

